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How Robin Readers are graded?

Robin Graded Readers have four levels: Foundation, Easy Start, Beginner and Elementary. With the i-Pen readable function, Robin Graded Readers are designed to nurture a love of reading in children which in turn enrich their vocabulary and consolidate their ability to combine words to form sentences and paragraphs. All the books are carefully graded according to the vocabulary, word count and grammatical structures, which meet the need of children at different level of proficiency in English.
Level Word count Suggested ages
Foundation Below 100 Ages 1 to 3
Easy Start 100 - 200 Ages 4 to 5
Beginner 200 - 500 Ages 6 to 7
Elementary 500 - 1,000 Ages 7 to 8

Robin Graded Readers help children develop the following skills:

  Liberal Studies
Phonemic awareness
* The above symbols represent the coverage of skills in each series.
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